Is the sub4sub a good idea to use or not?

Is the sub4sub a good idea to use or not?

Is the sub4sub a good idea to use or not?
Is the sub4sub a good idea to use or not?

Hi, I thought to create a discussion with you about the sub4sub that is frequent in the comment of the videos and/or in the private messages.

Firestone, I’d like to give you two questions: Why are you doing that? To you this method is good or it isn’t that?

About this, I’d like to answer this question to speech this argument and to give you my opinion.

Many years I look at the comments about the sub4sub, but this method isn’t good because the number of subscribers is higher but the views couldn’t be higher.

To don’t have any problems, I’d like to propose you a situation to be too understandable:

If a YouTube channel has 200 subscribers and 200 views, and other factors of the videos haven’t formed about the sub4sub or different that there are probably that you can’t think about that, you can also that channel hasn’t done it.

But, if there are all the condition about the sub4sub, it’s possible that the channel has done the sub4sub.

If you have a similar idea, I’m happy to read your comment about this and I hope that there aren’t any problems with the discussions about this.

To deepen other aspects about “How to grow on YouTube”, before this text, there is the link about this argument with the link and the YT channel of the video and alternatively the link of blogs that can help you:
Video Creators: How To Grow with 0 Views and 0 Subscribers
Think Media: How to Grow Your YouTube Channel Fast in 2018 — 3 Tips
How to grow on YouTube. (Through various measures both in the video in the channel).

Today we looked why is important to don’t use the method “Sub4Sub”, and I hope if this article is too useful to you.

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